(Cloned from old warning from Mar 2023) tsunami - Avoid the area
NSW State Emergency Service
Emergency Warning
Avoid the area
The NSW SES advises people to AVOID THE FOLLOWING AREAS due to a tsunami marine and immediate foreshore threat:
- 5551 George Downes Drive Bucketty NSW 2250
- 912 Murrays Run Road Laguna NSW 2325
You should stay informed and avoid the area wherever possible.
What are we expecting?
The Bureau of Meteorology advises the flood peaks from both the Macintyre and Weir Rivers are now arriving at Mungindi where river levels continue to rise slowly and are expected to peak near its current level, with major flooding.
Further rises are possible. See Brewarrina Shire Council website for road closure information.
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What you need to do:
- Boats in harbours, estuaries or shallow coastal water should return to shore. Secure your boat and move away from the waterfront.
- Vessels already out to sea should stay offshore in water at least 25 metres deep until further advised.
- Obey all signs about beach and foreshore closures and instructions from emergency services.
- If you have a Home or Business Emergency Plan, follow it.
- Check to see if your neighbours are aware of this advice.
- Custom message 1
For more information:
- Listen to your local ABC radio station which can be found at reception.abc.net.au
- Listen to 123.4 FM
- Download the Hazards Near Me app and set your watch zones to get warning information for your areas.
- Follow us on social media @NSWSES or visit our website at www.ses.nsw.gov.au
- Learn about your risk at www.ses.nsw.gov.au/knowyourrisk
- Check latest weather, warnings, rainfall and river heights at www.bom.gov.au/nsw/
- Bureau of Meteorology tsunami information at www.bom.gov.au/tsunami/
- Check road closures at www.livetraffic.com.au or 132 701 or your local Council.
- Check disruptions to public transport at www.transportnsw.info/alerts or call the Transport Infoline on 131 500
- For information on temporary school closures in your area, check www.education.nsw.gov.au/schooling/school-operational-status
- Newly added custom message A
- Newly added custom message B
For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
Media enquiries: media@ses.nsw.gov.au or call 1800 067 234