Narrabri West Test (UPDATED) flooding - Move to higher ground
NSW State Emergency Service
Emergency Warning
Move to higher ground
The NSW SES is advising people in the following area(s) to MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND due to test major flooding:
- testt
Rising floodwater is making it unsafe to evacuate the area. You should immediately go Use a higher ground description relevant to the area affected, e.g., inside a sturdy multi-storey building with access to upper levels, higher natural ground such as a hill, onto the roof of a sturdy building. Do not enter the roof cavity as you may become trapped.. Move as high above ground as possible. You may now be trapped without power, water, and other essential services and it may be dangerous for NSW SES to rescue you.
What are we expecting?
roads are covered
This event may change quickly. NSW SES will monitor the situation and update warnings if the situation changes.
What you need to do:
- Gather your essential possessions. These might include mobile phone, charger, battery-powered radio, medicine, rain gear, warm clothes, blankets, baby and pet items, water, food, torch, something to attract attention, and valuables like photos and insurance or banking records.
- Advise family and friends of your location.
- Keep moving to stay above the rising water level if necessary.
- Do not start driving in affected areas during flash flooding. If you are already driving, avoid flooded roads and find the highest nearby place to stop. Flash flooding can cause cars to stall, fill with water, or be swept away.
- Relocate waste containers, chemicals, and poisons well above floor level.
- Do not enter floodwater as there is a high risk you may be swept away. Consider alternative ways to evacuate if possible.
For more information:
- Listen to your local ABC radio station which can be found at
- Download the Hazards Near Me app and set your watch zones to get warning information for your areas.
- Follow us on social media @NSWSES or visit our website at
- Learn about your risk at
- Check latest weather, warnings, rainfall and river heights at
- Check road closures at or 132 701 or your local Council.
For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
Media enquiries: or call 1800 067 234